Otford.Net providing internet services for the community
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E-Mail: info@otford.net
Telephone: 01959 524168
Mobile: 07421 743268
Otford.Net, 101 Evelyn Road, Otford, Kent TN14 5PU

Village E-mail

You can join other families in the village and have a unique e-mail address of your.name@otford.net .

The price is £12 per year with 50% going towards an Otford Community Fund(*) distributed regularly to Otford village amenities.
A family (max 6) can all sign-up for just £20 p.a.
The mailbox can be used in addition to any existing e-mail address, or, if you prefer, be set up to forward automatically to your current one.
Mailboxes come with a standard 500MB space and full WebMail facilities to allow you to manage your e-mail anywhere.
If you are a business / organisation why not make use of your.business@otford.net and join gardeners@otford.net, st.bartholomews@otford.net, parishcouncil@otford.net, thecrown@otford.net and more.
Some names are reserved, others on a first come basis. Costs ... £24 p.a. for your.business@otford.net, again with 50% going to the Community Fund.

Find out more | Application Form

(*) Last year, 2016-17, the scheme raised £266.00 from people taking part, bringing the total raised to over £3,700.

A big 'thank you' to all who participate in the scheme and a 'do join' to anyone who is considering it. We are hoping to raise over £300 for 2017-18 and any suggestions on how it could be distributed in 'your' village are always very welcome.

Otford Village Information | Otford Gardeners' Society | Otford Methodist Church
Otford Village Memorial Hall | Otford Parish Council | Otford Short Mat Bowling Club | St. Bartholomews Church
Otford Society | Otford Church Hall | Otford WI | Holy Trinity Church

Sevenoaks | Sevenoaks Information | Sevenoaks News | Sevenoaks Events | Sevenoaks Directory
Printing Sevenoaks | Sevenoaks | Sevenoaks Forum